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Sharing Your ArcSite Drawing

How to share your drawing with other ArcSite users - Internal or External

Updated over a week ago


In select plans of ArcSite, you have the ability to share and co-edit drawings, all within the app. This allows for real-time sharing of work, and collaboration between team members.

To share work within the app itself, there are 2 main steps. You upload work to the cloud account & then share the project. The following list provides further detail:

  1. In the app, open project information settings and tap on "add" next to "who has access." On the web, log in and click on a project folder, then click "share."

  2. At this point, you can either choose company users OR other ArcSite users to share your drawing with, and you can choose their level of access. Users in your account with the project manager and admin access levels already have edit and view access by default.

  3. "Add Company Users" shows you a list of other users & user groups within your account, and "Invite People" (app) or "Invite by email" (web) allows you to invite other ArcSite users outside of your work team. If they do not see the project in their account, verify that you have entered the email address that they use to login to ArcSite.

To set up your company account so that everyone automatically shares all of their projects together, please reach out to ArcSite Customer Support.

Sharing Access Levels:

There are three access levels available: Admin, Co-worker, and Viewer. These levels have the following permissions:

  • Viewers can view the drawing, and can view product summary information (product quantities and totals).

  • Co-workers can do anything a viewer can do, and can also edit the drawing. They can add products and edit takeoff and estimate information. Even if they are an external account, they will be able to view your product library while they are editing the drawing.

  • Admins can do everything previously mentioned and can create new drawings or delete drawings within the project.

Two common problems:

Scenario โ€“ I shared my project, but my coworker just sees an empty project with no drawings

Issue โ€“ While you have shared the project, you have not uploaded your drawings to the cloud. So while he can see the project folder, your actual work is still only on your local iPad.

Scenario โ€“ I uploaded my drawing to the cloud account, but my coworker does not see it

Issue โ€“ While you uploaded the drawing, you must also share the parent project for collaborators to gain access.

Solution โ€“ Follow the steps above to make sure they have access. If you are an administrator and you would like them to have access to every project, change their account type to project manager.

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