Sharing - Access Levels
Updated over a week ago

ArcSite gives you control over what your users can see and do. We currently provide the following access levels:

Default for new accounts. Standard accounts can only access their own work. They can create their own projects and drawings, but will not have access to other users’ projects unless added as a collaborator. (Note: you cannot remove standard access for an active user. Instead, remove the account to disable access.)

Project Manager

Project Managers have access to view and manage all projects within the company. This allows them to see and make changes to drawings, upload PDFs, run takeoff reports, and generate proposals from any project.


Admins have access to the Advanced Settings section of the User Site. This allows them to set up user accounts (and change access levels), manage products and pricing for the company, create proposal templates, manage integrations, and more. We recommend limiting Admin access to a select few.

All users have Standard access to view and manage their own work. You can increase their access by granting Project Manager and/or Admin access on top of Standard. Depending on your company setup, you may have one person who is both the Admin and Project Manager, or you may choose to separate these roles.

How to Change User Access Levels


You may also update multiple users’ access levels at once.

  • Use the checkboxes on the left to select multiple users

  • Hover over the Change Selected button

  • Click Change Access Level

  • Select appropriate access levels and click Update

Create a User Group

  1. Navigate to the Company Accounts screen

  2. Tap on Add Group

  3. Choose from the available Individual accounts

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