The ArcSite team designed tools that allow you to compare and download past versions of your drawings using your tablet / mobile device or the web.
You cannot revert a drawing to a version beyond the last version uploaded to the cloud. However, you can delete the version saved on a tablet and re-download the last version saved on the cloud.
This article explains the functionality of the version comparison tools on the tablet, the view, download, and export options on the web, and the steps you can take to restore the last version of a drawing uploaded to the cloud.
Viewing and Comparing Past Versions on a Tablet
Viewing and Comparing Past Versions on a Tablet
Viewing and Comparing Past Versions on a Tablet
On a tablet, you can view previous versions of your drawings and compare two previous versions with one another.
To access the version history, open the project the drawing is in and tap on the circular "i" information icon in the bottom right corner of the drawing's icon. Then tap "Versions" in the menu that appears on the right.
In the "Versions" view, you can tap on any version and then tap "View Version v.#" at the bottom center of the screen. You will see any version notes you made on the right hand side.
Past versions are view-only. The "unlock" button in the bottom left can only be unlocked within the current version of the drawing.
Tap "Compare" in the top right corner to choose two versions to compare. Once you have two versions selected, the "View Version" button will change to "Compare Versions;" tap it to view the two versions overlayed on the screen. Changes between the versions will be highlighted.
Viewing and Downloading Past Versions on the Web
Viewing and Downloading Past Versions on the Web
Viewing and Downloading Past Versions on the Web
On the web, you can view past versions of your drawings and export them as various file types. Log into the ArcSite user site, then click the project and drawing. From within the drawing screen, a list of available versions appears on the right. Click on any version to view, and click on the download icon to choose which type of file to save the version as.
Past versions export to .PDF, .PNG, .DWG, or .DXF file types. Compare tools are not available on the user site.
When flipping between past versions, you can see past estimate and takeoff data on the "Takeoff & Estimate" tab, as well as generate proposals from your previous versions.
Revert to the Last Saved Version on the Cloud
Revert to the Last Saved Version on the Cloud
Revert to the Last Saved Version on the Cloud (from Within the Tablet)
In some instances, changes to a drawing may be saved on a device but not uploaded to the cloud, and you'd like to revert to your last saved version. In this instance, you may not be able to use the "undo" button because you quit the app or left the drawing before you decided to revert.
In this case, you can delete the version of the drawing that is saved on the device and re-download the latest version saved on the cloud. To delete a drawing, open the project folder where it is located and tap on its circular "i" information icon to pull up the information menu on the right. At the bottom of that menu locate the red trash can icon and tap. The next prompt will ask if you want to delete the drawing on the cloud or on the tablet - choose "Delete from Device." Tap "Delete" again to confirm. The drawing icon will be masked over with a circular blue download icon in the middle - tap on that icon to download the cloud save onto the device.
***Take caution when deleting drawings. Deleting drawings is final. Be careful NOT to delete from the cloud***