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ArcSite + ServiceTitan
Updated over a week ago

ArcSite + ServiceTitan Integration

This integration is an early preview and not available for all users.

Connect your ArcSite and ServiceTitan environments to have seamless flows of information that can be used in customer relationship management and much more.

Linking your ServiceTitan Environment with your ArcSite account can eliminate double-entry and can speed your sales process up significantly.

Sections Below

Key Features

Setup Overview

Setup Considerations

Usage Considerations

Potential Error Conditions

Additional Questions and Answers

How the Integration Works / Key Features

A Booked ServiceTitan Job creates and then assign an ArcSite Project

When a job is booked in ServiceTitan, ArcSite will receive a notification and automatically create a project based on the job information, linking the created project with the job.

This includes assigning the new ArcSite Project to a specified team member.

Subsequent operations in ArcSite will continuously synchronize information to ServiceTitan.

Uploads to the ArcSite cloud will automatically push the latest Drawing PDF to ServiceTitan

When a new version of an ArcSite drawing is uploaded to the ArcSite cloud, this integration will automatically push the latest Drawing PDF to the related ServiceTitan's Job.

Each drawing version uploaded to cloud will push to ServiceTitan as a new attachment in the Job.

Manually push an ArcSite Proposal to Create a ServiceTitan Estimate

Users can push the ArcSite Proposal to ServiceTitan in two ways:

  1. Send via the Send to ServiceTitan button on the User Site:

  2. After exporting the Proposal in the app, choose Yes when prompted, "Did you want to send this proposal to ServiceTitan?"

One drawing will create one corresponding estimate in ServiceTitan. If the drawing is updated later and pushed again, the latest drawing data will be used to update the estimate in ServiceTitan.

Connecting ArcSite and ServiceTitan

NOTE: The ServiceTitan integration requires an ArcSite resource to complete. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or reach out to

Connecting to ServiceTitan in ArcSite requires 4 steps:

  1. Get the tenant id of the serviceTitan customer.

  2. Add the tenant id of the customer in Application Settings on Developer Center.

  3. Connect the Application in ServiceTitan and get the client id and generate a new client secret.

  4. Choose the default project owner.

Details on why an ArcSite resource is required can be found below in the Account Permission Issue section of this document.

ArcSite Product to ServiceTitan Item Mapping

Once connected, you can map your individual ArcSite products to ServiceTitan items from the User Site > Settings > Integrations > Product Manager screen.

ArcSite supports connecting with three types of ServiceTitan items and allows creating and updating ServiceTitan item information in ArcSite.

  • Materials

  • Services

  • Equipment


There are certain pricing and cost considerations to take into account given how the two different softwares manage these objects. See the Environment Setup Considerations section below for more detail.

ArcSite Project Information to ServiceTitan Job Information Mapping

ArcSite creates corresponding ArcSite projects through ServiceTitan's JobScheduled webhook event. The specific correspondence is as follows:

Environmental Setup Considerations

Cost and Pricing Considerations

There are several considerations with regards to Price and Cost and how the Products and Items are set up on both Softwares. While ArcSite allows you to capture both a Price and Cost on any product, ServiceTitan does not in all cases.

Material Items

By default, ServiceTitan does not support a Unit Price on Material Items.

Therefore we recommend setting a Unit Cost and the Pricing Method Calculated Price for any ArcSite Products that will be matched with a ServiceTitan Material Item, unless that Item has the materials Chargeable feature enabled.

Service Items

ServiceTitan does not support a Unit Cost on Service Items.

Therefore we recommend setting a Unit Price and the Pricing Method Input Price For any ArcSite Products that will be matched with a ServiceTitan Service Item.

Existing Cross Associated ServiceTitan Items

Some existing ServiceTitan Services or Equipment items may already be associated with Materials. In this context, inconsistencies can arise in both the ArcSite drawing and line items and the pricing defined in ServiceTitan.

This is because services with associated materials or equipment will automatically add the associated materials or equipment when added to an estimate. The automatically added materials or equipment will carry their price and cost, which will lead to inconsistencies between the pushed estimate's line items and ArcSite's drawing line items if a product associated with such a services item is used in the drawing. Lastly, the estimate's price may not match ArcSite's total price.

Solution 1:

Try not to associate such services items, as they will result in unexpected estimate results. If such services items are associated and the estimate line items are expected to remain consistent with ArcSite, manually delete the associated equipment or materials lines after the estimate is created.

Solution 2:

To avoid affecting the estimate's total price, reasonably set the service's price. Set the prices and costs of the associated materials or equipment to 0, so they will not affect the estimate's total price.

Account Permission Issue

Due to ServiceTitan's authorization process and tenant system's unique characteristics, users cannot independently complete the account connection work. It must be completed in conjunction with an ArcSite resource.

Specifically obtaining the user's Tenant ID and adding it to the ArcSite App cannot be completed independently.

Tenant Account Requirements

ServiceTitan has strict control over account permissions. The tenant account in ServiceTitan associated with ArcSite needs to have admin privileges. The integration functionality in ArcSite will involve the following permissions:

  • Read jobs

  • Create and read estimates

  • Create, read, and modify price books

  • Query technicians

  • Create forms (Job PDF Attachment)

If the integrated account lacks any of these permissions, it will cause abnormalities in the integration functionality.

Tenant Connection to Single ArcSite Company Account

Currently, a ServiceTitan tenant can only correspond to one ArcSite company in ArcSite.

ArcSite needs to determine which ArcSite company to create the project for when processing the tenant's JobScheduled webhook.

If a tenant is associated with multiple companies, it cannot determine the project's affiliation, and even if projects are created in multiple companies, changes to any company's project are pushed to ServiceTitan, causing data confusion.

Usage Considerations

Will the Latest Drawing Automatically Push to ServiceTitan if the Drawing is Updated

By default, whenever a new drawing version is uploaded to the cloud, ArcSite will automatically push the latest Drawing PDF to the corresponding job in ServiceTitan.

Drawing PDF Push to ServiceTitan in a Project with Multiple Drawings

When a project is associated with a job, if there are multiple drawings under the project, by default, whenever there is an update to the drawings in the project and it is uploaded to the cloud, the latest Drawing PDF of the corresponding drawing will be pushed to the job.

So if there are multiple drawings under the project and frequent updates, there will be the same number of attached PDFs in the corresponding job in ServiceTitan.

Each drawing version will correspond to an attachment PDF. This is because the ServiceTitan API does not support deleting and modifying attachments, so users can only manually maintain these attachments.

By default, a drawing version will only push a Drawing PDF to ServiceTitan once.

The filename of the pushed attachment is "Drawing Name.pdf".

Potential Error Conditions

Unmapped Products

When pushing an Estimate, because ServiceTitan requires that all products used in the Drawing must be associated with a ServiceTitan Product, if there are any products in the Drawing that are not associated with a ServiceTitan Product, the push process will be interrupted, and an error message will be returned to the user.

Error Message seen

Failed to Push Line Items from (Job: Drawing 1 - v2) for ServiceTitan Integration Testing: Some products used in this drawing are not connected to ServiceTitan: Service Product Non Taxable


Map all ArcSite products to ServiceTitan product from the Integration > Product Manager screen on the ArcSite User Site.

Duplicate Project Names

ArcSite requires a unique name for each project. If a project creation request uses an existing name, it will fail.

Solution: Ensure project names are unique when pushing from ServiceTitan.

Missing ArcSite Account

ArcSite requires an active user account, matched by email address, for any ServiceTitan technician to be assigned as the owner of a new ArcSite project.

If the assigned technician lacks an active ArcSite account, the project creation will fail.

Solution: Ensure all ServiceTitan technician accounts have active ArcSite accounts, matched by email address.

How Are Discounts and Markups Mapped?

ArcSite uses ServiceTitan's discounts and fees features to complete the mapping of estimates' discounts and markups.

ArcSite will check if the corresponding discount item and fee item have been created in ServiceTitan when pushing estimates.

If not, it will create them and create the corresponding taxable discount item and non-tax discount item according to whether it is taxable.

Their codes are:

  • Discount(ArcSite)

  • Non-Tax Discount(ArcSite)

  • Markup(ArcSite)

  • Non-Tax Markup(ArcSite)

Do not delete from within ServiceTitan, or errors will occur.

How Are Custom Pricing Items Mapped?

ArcSite uses ServiceTitan's Equipment to map custom pricing line items added in the app.

ArcSite will check if the corresponding custom item has been created in ServiceTitan when pushing estimates. If not, it will create them and create the corresponding taxable item and non-tax item according to whether it is taxable.

Their codes are:

  • Custom Item(ArcSite)

  • Non-Tax Custom Item(ArcSite)

Please do not delete them in ServiceTitan, or it will cause push abnormalities.

Can Proposal PDFs Be Pushed Repeatedly? What is the Push Logic?

Proposal PDFs can be pushed repeatedly.

By default, their push can be initiated on the User Site and in the pop-up window after exporting Proposal PDFs in the app. Each click to send will push once, so if a drawing version repeatedly pushes Proposal PDFs multiple times, it will create multiple attachments in ServiceTitan.

The filename of the attachment PDF is the same as the filename of the exported Proposal PDF.

Who is the Owner of the Created Project & Who Will See the Project?

In ArcSite, each project needs a definite owner. When connecting to ServiceTitan, the page will need to specify the project owner. This owner will act as the owner of all projects created from ServiceTitan.

Projects will be visible to the owner and the company's project manager.

How is the Sales Representative's Information Handled?

Sales representative information will come from the selected technicians. If no technician is specified when booking a job, the sales rep information will not be filled.

  • If one technician is specified, the name, phone, and email of the specified technician will be used as the sales rep information.

  • If multiple technicians are specified, the first technician's information will be used.

How Are Multiple Technicians Handled?

If multiple technicians are selected when booking a job, ArcSite will check whether the emails of these specified technicians already exist as ArcSite accounts, and these accounts also need to exist in the company's project. These existing ArcSite accounts will be added to the project's collaborator list, and they will have access to the project.

Connect ArcSite to ServiceTitan - Step by Step

1. Click on "Settings" in the User Site.

1 To get started, click on "Settings".

2. Click on "Integrations".

2 Next up, click on "Integrations".

3. Click on "Apps".

3 Next up, click on "Apps".

4. Click on "Connect to ServiceTitan".

4 Next up, click on "Connect to ServiceTitan".

5. Now, in the ServiceTitan UI, click on "Integrations".

5 Now, click on "Integrations".

6. Click on "API Application Access".

6 Once that's done, click on "API Application Access".

7. Select and copy The Tenant ID

7 After, click on "1156722723".

8. Back in the ArcSite ServiceTitan connection dialog, paste in the Tenant ID.

8 Click here.

9. Select the Project Owner from the drop down for that field.

9 Now, click on "test_servicetitan2 (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>)".

10. In the ServiceTitan App screen select on the Pencil/Edit button.

10 Click here.

11. Click on "+ Add Tenant".

11 Click on "+ Add Tenant".

12. Paste the Tenant ID

12 Click on the element.

13. Add the term Default in the note field.

13 Click here.

14. Click on "Save".

14 Click on "Save".

15. Click on "Connect New App".

15 Next up, click on "Connect New App".

16. Click on the App called "ArcSite"

16 Click on "ArcSite".

17. Click on "Connect".

17 Click on "Connect".

18. Click on "Allow Access".

18 Click on "Allow Access".

19. Click on "Accept".

19 Following that, click on "Accept".

20. Click on "Copy" in the Client ID

20 Then, click on "Copy".

21. Paste the Client ID in the ArcSite dialog.

21 After that, click here.

22. Click on "Generate" to capture a Capture Secret.

22 Click on "Generate".

23. Click on "Yes, Continue".

23 Next up, click on "Yes, Continue".

24. Click on "Copy".

24 Click on "Copy".

25. Click on "Close".

25 Click on "Close".

26. Paste the saved Client Secret field into the ArcSite dialog.

26 Click here.

27. Click on "Connect".

27 Click on "Connect".

28. You are now Connected.

28 Upload

Product to Item Matching - Step by Step

1. Navigate to ArcSite User Site > Integrations > Product Manager.

1 First, click on "Product Manager".

2. Select from any of the relevant ArcSite Product Category to locate the Product to Match.

2 Click on "Servicetitan Materials".

3. Choose Connect to make an initial match or Update to update an existing match.

3 Next, click on "Connect".

4. Within the connection dialog, you can connect to an existing ServiceTitan item or create a new one.

4 Next up, click here.

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