This article provides a comprehensive guide to managing employees within the Enterprise Admin Console. Learn how to efficiently navigate the employee list view, understand the different employee types and statuses, and perform key actions like adding, editing, and managing employee accounts.
Supported Platforms: Web-based portal accessible from any device with internet connectivity
Subscription Requirement: Available for Enterprise users only
Who Is This For?
This guide is designed for Enterprise Admins and IT Admins who manage employee accounts and access within their organization.
Employee List View
The Employee List View offers a centralized view of all employees across your organization. You can utilize this view to:
Search: Quickly find specific employees by name, email address, or other identifying information.
Sort: Organize the employee list by various criteria like name, company, role, or status.
Filter: Refine the list to display employees based on specific criteria like company, role, or status.
Options: Access further actions for each employee, such as editing information, managing permissions, or viewing project ownership.
Types/Status of Employees (Preset Filters)
The Employee List View includes preset filters to help you quickly categorize and manage employees:
Active: Employees with active ArcSite accounts who can currently access the platform.
Inactive: Employees with deactivated accounts who cannot access ArcSite.
Pending: Employees who have been invited to join ArcSite but have not yet activated their accounts.
Admin: Employees with administrative privileges, allowing them to manage users, companies, and other settings within the Enterprise Admin Console.
Standard User: Employees with regular access to ArcSite, limited by the permissions assigned to their role.
Add Employees (Include Inviting)
You can easily add new employees to your organization's ArcSite account:
Manually add employee details, including their name, contact information, company, and role.
Invite employees via email, allowing them to set up their own accounts and passwords.
Employee Info Edit
Edit various employee details, including:
Name and contact information
Company and role within the organization
Profile picture and personal settings
Login as Employee
For troubleshooting or support purposes, you can log in as an employee to view ArcSite from their perspective.
Change Employee's Company
Easily transfer employees between companies within your organization as needed.
Change Employee's Access
Modify employee access levels and permissions by assigning them different roles or adjusting individual permissions.
Reset Employee's Password
Reset passwords for employees who have forgotten or lost their login credentials.
Transfer Project Employee's Ownerships
Transfer ownership of projects and drawings from one employee to another, ensuring seamless continuity in case of employee departure or role changes.
Deactivate/Reactivate Employee's Account
Control employee access to ArcSite by deactivating or reactivating their accounts as required.
Remove Employee's Account
Permanently remove employee accounts from your organization's ArcSite account when they are no longer needed.