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ArcSite + Jobber
Updated over 2 months ago

ArcSite + Jobber Integration

Connect your ArcSite and Jobber environments to create seamless flows of information, enabling efficient customer relationship management and eliminating double-entry. This integration can significantly speed up the sales process by linking your Jobber environment with your ArcSite account.


Set up the ArcSite - Jobber Integration

  1. Log in to the ArcSite user site and navigate to the Integrations - Apps page.

  2. Click the "Connect to Jobber" button.

    If you’re not already logged into Jobber, a login page will appear. Enter your credentials, and you will be directed to the Access Check page.

Click "Allow Access" to grant ArcSite the necessary permissions. Upon success, you’ll be returned to the API & Service page.

Once connected, ArcSite will set the user who initiated the connection as the default creator of the ArcSite Project. If needed, you can update the Project Creator by clicking on Settings.

Overview of Integration Functionalities

After establishing the Jobber connection in ArcSite, users can access the following integration features:

Automatic Creation of an ArcSite Project when Client is Created in Jobber

After linking Jobber to ArcSite, any client created in Jobber will automatically generate an associated project in ArcSite. ArcSite subscribes to Jobber’s client creation webhook, enabling automatic project creation whenever a new client is added in Jobber.

Adding Collaborators to a Project When a Request is Created in Jobber

When a Jobber request is created for an associated client, ArcSite will add team members assigned to the Jobber request as collaborators on the ArcSite project.

Requirements for Adding Collaborators:

  • The on-site assessment must be enabled in Jobber.

  • At least one teammate must be assigned to the assessment.

  • Each teammate’s email in Jobber must correspond to an ArcSite account within the same ArcSite company.

Rules for Collaborator Addition:

  • Sales Rep Update: The first eligible team user is assigned as the project’s sales rep.

  • Collaborator Addition: Eligible team users are added to the project as Co-Workers.

  • Notifications: Collaborators receive email notifications upon being added.

Note: ArcSite can add collaborators repeatedly with each new or updated Jobber request associated with the client.

Pushing ArcSite Drawing Data to a Jobber Quote

After linking a Jobber client with an ArcSite project, users can push drawing data to create a Jobber quote. This action can be initiated in two ways:

  1. From within the ArcSite app interface, a "Do you want to push this proposal to Jobber?" prompt will appear upon exporting. Selecting "Yes" initiates the push.

  2. From the ArcSite user site, the Send to Jobber button on the Drawing Takeoff & Estimate tab can trigger the push.

Once completed, a quote will be created in Jobber. The ArcSite product will be included as a custom line item, meaning the product names do not need to match existing Jobber items.

Line Item Data Mapping and Price Adjustments

ArcSite transfers line item data from the drawing to Jobber, maintaining the following mappings:

  • Line Items: Each line item from the drawing is transferred as a Jobber line item with corresponding price adjustments.

  • Price Adjustments: If ArcSite applies a markup, it will add this as a positive line item. Discounts are applied as a negative line item.

  • Tax Logic:

    • Items that are taxable in ArcSite remain taxable in Jobber.

    • ArcSite uses the job-related tax group in Jobber to match the tax rate for each item.

Pushing Proposal PDF to Jobber Quote Note

In addition to line items, users can push proposal PDFs from ArcSite to Jobber, attaching them as Quote Notes.

  1. Quote Note Creation: Upon the first push, ArcSite creates a new quote note in Jobber and attaches the proposal PDF.

  2. Updates: If the drawing or proposal PDF is updated, ArcSite will overwrite the existing quote note attachment to ensure consistency with the current quote information.

Automatic push of a Signed Proposal to Jobber

When this automatic push occurs

The push is automatically triggered at the following two points:

  1. After uploading a “Signed on Device” Proposal in the app.

  2. When the eSign process is complete, and the Proposal status changes to “Online Approved.”

How are the files named

• Signed on Device: {Proposal Name} - Signed on Device.pdf

• eSigned: {Proposal Name} - eSigned.pdf

Where does the signed Proposal get placed

  • In the Jobber Client Internal Notes

Project Naming Rules

  • Rule: ArcSite generates project names using the format {Primary Name} - {Secondary Name}, where Primary Name and Secondary Name are from the Jobber client profile.

  • Failure Condition: If a project with the same name already exists in ArcSite, the new project creation will fail.

Project Data Mapping Rules

ArcSite uses client information from Jobber to populate the project fields as follows:

  • Name: Jobber Client Title + First Name + Last Name.

  • Address: Mapped according to fields in both Jobber and ArcSite. If no address is filled in, it will not be extracted.

  • Phone:

    • Primary Phone Number is mapped to Phone.

    • First non-primary phone number is mapped to Second Phone.

    • Remaining phone numbers are not extracted.

  • Email:

    • Primary email is mapped to Email.

    • First non-primary email is mapped to Second Email.

Updating ArcSite Project When Jobber Client is Updated

After linking the Jobber client with the ArcSite project, ArcSite will subscribe to updates for this client. If any property address information is updated in Jobber, the following rules apply:

  1. If the ArcSite project’s address information is empty, it will be updated with the first address property from the Jobber client.

  2. If the project already has address information or if multiple Jobber properties exist, the address will not be updated.

Update Strategy for Quotes

If drawings are modified after the initial quote push, ArcSite updates the quote to ensure data consistency. This update includes:

  1. Syncing Tax Rate: If the tax rate has changed, Jobber’s tax rate is updated to match the drawing.

  2. Updating Line Items: New line items replace previous ones in the Jobber quote.

  3. Adjusting Discounts and Markups: Discounts and markups in the drawing are recalculated in the Jobber quote.

  4. Modifying Deposit Settings: If the drawing’s deposit setting changes, Jobber’s quote deposit will be updated.

Pushing Proposal PDF to Jobber Quote Note

In addition to line items, users can push proposal PDFs from ArcSite to Jobber, attaching them as Quote Notes.

  1. Quote Note Creation: Upon the first push, ArcSite creates a new quote note in Jobber and attaches the proposal PDF.

  2. Updates: If the drawing or proposal PDF is updated, ArcSite will overwrite the existing quote note attachment to ensure consistency with the current quote information.


"Onsite Assessment" Required Issue

If the Jobber request doesn't appear in ArcSite as expected, it may be due to missing setup steps:

  • Ensure On-Site Assessment is enabled in Jobber.

  • Assign at least one teammate to the assessment.

  • Verify that the teammate’s email in Jobber matches an ArcSite account within the same company.

Following these steps ensures the request and assigned teammates sync correctly, allowing updates to the Project’s Sales Rep and collaborators in ArcSite.

Troubleshooting Tax Group Discrepancies

  • Exact Matches: Tax names and values must match exactly in both systems for the tax rate to transfer correctly.

  • Jobber Tax Rate Constraints: Jobber requires two or more tax rates per group, so ArcSite will adjust as necessary. Mismatched names or values between ArcSite and Jobber will result in push failures.

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