ArcSite + JobNimbus Integration
Connect your ArcSite and JobNimbus environments to have seamless flows of information that can be used in customer relationship management and much more. Linking your JobNimbus Environment with your ArcSite account can eliminate double-entry and can speed your sales process up significantly.
Sections Below
Set up the ArcSite - JobNimbus integration
Below are the detailed instructions for all steps with screenshots.
1. Create an API key in JobNimbus
Go to the JobNimbus Settings page and click on API to create a new API key for ArcSite to use. Click on New API Key.
In the create form, fill in the description field with ArcSite, and select the Office Manager profile.
We recommend using the Office Manager access profile for the created API key. If the owner's profile is used, our API will only be able to access data from that account and not from other employees in the company.
2. Set up the integration on ArcSite's user site admin page
Go to the Integrations page on the ArcSite User Site and set up the integration by supplying the API key.
Click the "Connect to JobNimbus" button and enter the API Key generated by JobNimbus.
After clicking the Connect button, ArcSite will verify the API key. If the key is valid, the page will auto-refresh, and the Jobnimbus app will show as "Connected". A webhook URL for Jobnimbus to use will be generated automatically by ArcSite.
Tap on the settings button to choose one account as the default project owner/creator. This way you can ensure an email account match.
3. Create related webhook rules in JobNimbus' automation module
Go back to the JobNimbus Settings page and select the Automation Module. Then, click the "Add Automation" button.
Select "Events Based" in the Trigger type pop-up box and "Contact/Job" is created, and then click "Add Action.”
Select "Webhook" in the drop-down list of the pop-up layer, then enter the Webhook URL provided by ArcSite, and save.
Create rules for both contact and job.
After completion, there should be two ArcSite Webhook call rules in the automation list.
4. Mapping - How ArcSite links JobNimbus Contact or Job to ArcSite Projects
This section explains how ArcSite connects Jobnimbus contact or job information to ArcSite project data. It details the usage of various data fields in ArcSite and it explains the mapping logic in three key aspects:
1. Project Owner
For successful project creation to occur in ArcSite, each project needs a designated Project Owner. ArcSite extracts the Project Owner from Jobnimbus data in the following order:
Assigned To (Highest Priority): If 'Assigned To' is specified in Jobnimbus, ArcSite uses the email of the first teammate listed for the project as the owner. If the email isn't in ArcSite, an error occurs (see example below).
Failed to Create Project (Contact: Contact Name) for Company Name: Project owner email ( is not an ArcSite account.
Sales Rep (Second Priority): If 'Assigned To' isn't specified, ArcSite tries to obtain the project owner's email from the sales rep. It checks if the email exists in ArcSite and returns an error if not (see example below).
Failed to Create Project (Contact: Contact Name) for Company Name: Project owner email ( is not an ArcSite account.
Create by Email (Lowest Priority): If 'Assigned To' and 'Sales Rep' aren't available, the webhook may use 'create_by_email' as the project owner. If the email isn't in ArcSite, an error occurs (see example below).
Failed to Create Project (Contact: Contact Name) for Company Name: Project owner email ( is not an ArcSite account.
If the Project Owner isn't found in steps 1, 2, or 3, an error occurs, and project creation fails (see example below).
Failed to Create Project (Contact: Contact Name) for Company Name: Project owner can't be determined. Please check the "Assigned To" and "Sales Rep" fields in Contact or Job.
To simplify the integration, Arcsite has introduced a Default Owner setting in the Jobnimbus App Card. If the Webhook can't extract the right Project Owner from received data, this Default Owner will step in to complete the Project creation.
2. Project Name
When creating an ArcSite project, a project name is required. When processing a job creation request in Jobnimbus, the webhook uses the following logic to extract the project name:
Display Name (Highest Priority): In ArcSite, the contact's display name is prioritized as the project name.
First Name and Last Name: If the display name isn't available, the project name becomes the contact's first and last name.
3. Extra Data Fields
The mapping relationship between Client Profile information and Contact information is as follows:
ArcSite Project Client Profile | Jobnimbus Contact / Job |
Client Name | Display Name | First Name + Last Name |
Second Email |
Phone | Home Phone |
Second Phone | Mobile Phone |
County |
Country | Courtry Name |
State | State Text |
City | City |
Street | Address Line 1 + Address Line 2 |
Zip Code | Zip |
Job Number | Contact Number / Job Number |
Work Site Address - Country | Country Name |
Work Site Address - State | State Text |
Work Site Address - Street | Address Line 1 + Address Line 2 |
Work Site Address - Zip Code | Zip |
Work Site Address - County |
Support Name | Sales Rep Name (In ArcSite) |
Support Email | Sales Rep Email (In ArcSite) |
Support Phone | Sales Rep Phone (In ArcSite) |
Use the Integration
Create a new ArcSite Project from JobNimbus
Go to JobNimbus Home Page, Click +, and Add Contact
Fill in your contact information, and Save
Go back to the Projects page on the ArcSite User Site and verify the project has been created.
⚠️ To create an ArcSite project, two required pieces of data must be provided: the project name and the email address of the project manager.
When creating a project, the webhook will prioritize using the contact's display name as the project name. If the display name does not exist, the webhook will use the contact's First Name and Last Name concatenated as the project name, and ArcSite projects cannot be the same in the same org.
When creating a project, the webhook will prioritize using the email address of the owner of the Jobnimbus contact. If the owner does not exist, the email address of the Sales Rep specified in the contact will be used. If neither email address is provided, the creation will fail due to the lack of a specified owner. Furthermore, even if an email address is provided, the webhook will check the provided email address. If the email address is not an ArcSite account, the project cannot be created successfully.
In addition, the webhook also verifies the data structure and field types of the JobNimbus request. If the request's data structure does not match the expected format or the field types are inconsistent, the webhook will fail due to the failed validation.
Push a proposal document back to the JobNimbus contact or job
From the ArcSite app, create a drawing and upload it to the cloud
From the ArcSite user site
Open the Project
Open the uploaded drawing
Open the Takeoff & Estimate tab.
Click “Send to Jobnimbus” button and select one proposal template to push to JobNimbus.
After pushing the document successfully, go back to JobNimbus to check the document list under Contact or Job.
Automatic push of a Signed Proposal to Job Nimbus
When this automatic push occurs
The push is automatically triggered at the following two points:
After uploading a “Signed on Device” Proposal in the app.
When the eSign process is complete, and the Proposal status changes to “Online Approved.”
How are the files named
• Signed on Device: {Proposal Name} - Signed on Device.pdf
• eSigned: {Proposal Name} - eSigned.pdf
Where does the signed Proposal get placed
In the JobNimbus Job/Contact Documents