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Pre-defined Company and Client Data
Updated over a week ago


Data is presented in a one-to-one pairing, with the first half being the variable name and the second half being the entered data. These pairings are part of parent groupings, all of whom contain related information.

Using pre-defined company and client data:

So for example if your clients name was ACME, it would be presented in the following data pairing:

"name": “ACME”

  • If you wanted to add the clients name to a sentence, you would add the parent grouping title to have this overall:

##{{ }}

  • You could then create the following sentence:

Contractor agrees to provide ACME with 12 helical piers.

  • By using:

Contractor agrees to provide ##{{ }} with 12 helical piers.

  • We can continue to customize the same sentence by replacing the term Contractor as well. Using the ##{{ }} the sentence becomes:

##{{ }} agrees to provide ##{{ }} with 12 helical piers

  • Then lastly we can replace the “12 Helical Piers” piece by pulling in the data from the added products to have:

##{{ }} agrees to provide ##{{ }} with {total_quantity} ##{{“category_name” | category_used_products_names }}

The lists below show the various groupings and their available data pairings.

Client Profile Variables:
























Organization Profile Variables:















Main Office Profile Information:















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