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Use Excel (with the ArcSite Product Template) to Create your Product Environment
Use Excel (with the ArcSite Product Template) to Create your Product Environment


Updated over a week ago

ArcSite provides an Excel template (DOWNLOAD HERE) which you can use to bulk create (or edit) and import your ArcSite Product Environment.

Sections Below

What is in the Excel Template (Overview)

The ArcSite template is a pre-formatted Excel document where you can enter your Products and Services and then can be used to import to populate your product environment.

How to Access the Template from the ArcSite User Site

You can download the Template from here - Download ArcSite Product Template (Excel)

You can download a blank version or one filled with your current Product environment from the ArcSite Site.

Steps to Download the Empty Product Template

  1. Click the Import / Export icon

  2. Select Bulk Import/Edit with Excel

  3. Click the Download Template button


Steps to Download your existing Product Environment

  1. Click the Import / Export icon

  2. Select Export as Excel


Working with the Product tab

The first tab of the template "Products" is where you will add the products and services you want to have available in ArcSite.

Products details

  • Each product will be listed on its own row

  • Can have a price associated with it, but this is not required. Prices can be placed on some of the products, all products, or none at all.

  • Are captured in an initial Measurement Unit. Those can then be converted into another Unit for display and quantification purposes.

Product Columns

Column Name


Required / Optional


All Products must be part of a parent Category. You can have one single Category or break your Products down into multiple categories based on how you want to organize them.



A Product must have a name. It will be used to pick within the app and also can be presented in an output (Example - Proposal or Material List)



Can be used to capture a Model or Vendor #, etc.



While there are multiple ways of further describing Products in output, if filled and set up, these descriptions show up in output directly underneath the Product Name.

Helical Pier (Product Name)

Our best Helical Pier, the J900 is guaranteed for the lifetime of the structure.



This is the Measurement Unit the product is initially captured in on the ArcSite Canvas.

Available options are built into the Spreadsheet and can be simply selected from a fixed list of options.

Those options are:


NOTE - This initial unit can subsequently be converted into a separate unit for display and quantities purposes. Once the conversion has been set up, it automatically applies when the product is used.

That type of conversion is not defined in the template, but instead in the ArcSite User Site. Read more about conversions here.


  1. A Fence Run is initially captured in Linear Feet but can be converted into Sections.

  2. Fill dirt is collected in Cu Ft but then converted into Yards.


The option here is related to the Unit column defined above as certain Units must match certain Options here. See the table below to see those relationships.


Price Part

A deprecated way of defining pricing. Read more about Price Parts here.


Price Options

A deprecated way of defining pricing. Read more about Price Parts here.


Pricing Method

There are two ways of defining the way ArcSite prices your products.

  1. Input Price - Uses the price entered in the Unit Price field (see below)

  2. Calculated Price - Uses the price entered in the Unit Cost field (see below) and then multiplies by the defined Margin.

Read more about Price Methods here and Product Margin here.

NOTE - Regardless of whether you are using ArcSite to capture pricing or not, you will need to fill in this column. In the case where you are not collecting pricing, it does not matter which method you define here.


Unit Price

Use it when you want to define a single retail price.

NOTE - As mentioned elsewhere here, the unit captured under the Unit column can later be converted to another Unit. So you can enter the price in the captured/default measurement or in what will be the converted unit

Example - A product is captured initially on the canvas in LF but will then convert to a number of 10' long pipes. In this case, you can put in the per pipe length instead of an LF price.


Unit Cost

Use it when you want to define a price based on a Unit Cost (Material Cost) which is then multiplied by a Margin.

NOTE - As mentioned elsewhere here, the unit captured under the Unit column can later be converted to another Unit. So you can enter the price in the captured/default measurement or in what will be the converted unit

Example - A product is captured initially on the canvas in LF but will then convert to a number of 10' long pipes. In this case, you can put in the per pipe length instead of an LF price.


Tax Exempt

All products are set as Taxable by default. This will apply if you then set one or more Tax rates. Read about setting Tax Rates here.

If you do not set tax rates, nothing is applied.

If you want to set a product as Tax Exempt, enter a Y in this column.


Hide on App

All products are set as visible by default.

If you want to not display this product in the app Product Panels, enter a Y in this column.


Hide on Proposal

All products are set as visible by default.

If you want to not display this product in an output document, enter a Y in this column.


Product ID

DISREGARD / DO NOT EDIT THIS FIELD. It is or will be, the unique ID number ArcSite sets for a Product.


How would you draw it on canvas ( Visual Type)

As ArcSite is a drawing tool, you will need to define how you will visually capture your Products.

The options are:

You can read about each of these options here on Product Types.


The option here is related to the Unit column defined above as certain Units must match certain Options here. See the table below to see those relationships.


Matching the "How Would you Draw it on Canvas" and "Unit" column options

As mentioned in the above Column table, YOU MUST match certain options on the How Would you Draw it on Canvas with certain options from the Unit column.

How would you draw it on canvas (Visual Type)














Working with the Product Group tab

The second tab on the template Excel is for defining Product Groups.


Product groups are a set of related products added together. The value they bring is for when you have a series of similar options all of which are valid choices within a particular Bundle context. They allow you to have a single Bundle but multiple options for one of its components.


Products Group details

  • Each product group is made up of multiple pre-existing Products

  • Most products included must be of the same visual type (Area with Area Products, Linear with Linear)

  • The exception here is that Shape-based and Nonvisual types of products can be added into a single common product group together

  • The structure of how a Product Group is entered into Excel is shown below. The products added are added starting on a second row.


Product Group Columns

Column Name


Required / Optional

Group Name

A product group must have a name. It will be used as an entry into a bundle



The list of Products added.

NOTE - See the above screenshot. The products are added one row down from the Group Name row


Default Option

If you do not want to answer this question ( of which of the products within the product group) every time it is used, you can set a default option to be preselected.

NOTE - You will still be able to add the other options as well.


ID (DO not change)

DISREGARD / DO NOT EDIT THIS FIELD. It is or will be, the unique ID number ArcSite sets for a product group.


Working with the Bundles tab

The third tab on the template Excel is used for defining Bundles.


Bundles are a combined set of related products and/or Product Groups added together. The value a bundle provides is that when you can add a Bundle (Line, Area, or Shape) to the ArcSite canvas, it will automatically collect information on all of its individual products at once.


Bundle details

  • The structure of how a Bundle is entered into Excel is shown below. The items in the Component Name column (products or product groups) are added starting on a second row.


Bundle Columns

Column Name


Required / Optional


All Bundles must be part of a parent Category. You can have one single Category or break it down into multiple categories based on how you want to organize it.

Best Practice - If you are using mainly Bundles instead of individual Products, it is a good idea to keep the Products used in Bundles in a separate Product Category from the Bundles themselves. This reduces the number of items to look through when selecting the appropriate Bundle to use.


Bundle Name

A Bundle must have a name. It will be used to pick within the app and also can be presented in an output (Example - Proposal or Material List)


How would you draw it on canvas ( Visual Type)

As ArcSite is a drawing tool, you will need to define how you will visually capture your products.

The options are: LENGTH, AREA, SHAPE

You can read about each of these options here on Product Types.


The option here is related to the Unit column defined below as certain Units must match certain Options here. See the table below to see those relationships.



This is the Measurement Unit the Bundle is initially captured in on the ArcSite Canvas.

Available options are built into the Spreadsheet and can be simply selected from a fixed list of options. Those are:


  • AREA


You can read about each of these options here on Product Types.


The option here is related to the Unit column defined above as certain Units must match certain Options here. See the table below to see those relationships.


Hide on App

All bundle are set as visible by default.

If you want to not display this product in the app Product Panels, enter a Y in this column.


Hide on Proposal

All bundles are set as visible by default.

If you want to not display this product in an output document, enter a Y in this column.


Component Name

Here you enter the Products or Products Groups that you want to add to the Bundles.

These are entered one row down from the entries made above. See the screenshot above this table.



Each of the products or product group items with a Bundle has to have a quantity defined for it.

By default, it will be a 1 to 1 relationship.

For Example:

For a length-based bundle, each foot (m) drawn on canvas would collect 1 of the component in its defined unit.

There are three types of Quantities you can apply to the Bundle Components.

  • Multiplier

  • Simple Rule

  • Advanced Rule

To read more about determining the correct quantity for your Bundles and Products, see Product and Bundle Quantities.



By default, all components of a Bundle are counted.

Entering a Y in a product or product group column here makes this an optional component of the Bundle.


Barbed Wire is an optional add-on to a Chain Link fence. As such while you want it to be available to add on conditionally, you do not want it added to every Chain Link fence created.


Use Area or perimeter (only for Area Bundle)

Used only when creating an Area bundle for any Line Based product or product group. You can choose whether this line product defines just the parameter or the area within.


Product ID

DISREGARD / DO NOT EDIT THIS FIELD. It is or will be a unique ID number ArcSite sets for a Bundle.


Matching the "How Would you Draw it on Canvas" and "Unit" column options

As mentioned in the above Column table, YOU MUST match certain options on the How Would you Draw it on Canvas with certain options from the Unit column.

How would you draw it on canvas (Visual Type)








Importing the Excel Template

  1. Click the Import / Export icon

  2. Select Bulk Import/Edit with Excel

  3. Click the Import Excel button

  4. Click through the import wizard steps

If there are errors, view Product Import Spreadsheet - Troubleshooting Errors to solve them and then re-import.

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