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Fence Builder - An Overview
Updated over 7 months ago

The Guided Library Builder is an UI that will walk you through all the steps required to build out your ArcSite fence product environment.

In this first release (July 2024), we support creating your Chain Link fences. The other fence "types" are coming soon

Step by Step through the Builder

1. Select the Guided Library Builder option to begin.

1 Upload

2. Select the types of Fences you create and then click Next. NOTE - MORE TYPES COMING SOON!

2 Click on "Chainlink".

3. Afterwards, click on "Continue".

3 Afterwards, click on "Continue".

4. Select between Residential and/or Commercial fences.

4 After that, click on "Next".

5. Select between Galvanized and/ or Black

5 After, click on "Next".

6. Select the fence heights you build and click Next.

6 Click on "Next".

7. Select the gate widths you build and then click Next.

Note: If you don't see all of the gates widths you build, take a note here and we can help you with that after completing this Builder.

7 Click on "Next".

8. An overview of the choices you have made and the objects ArcSite will create based on those choices.

8 Click on "Next".

9. Over the next few screens, you are presented with our default naming conventions and given the opportunity to adjust them. We will cover Fences, Gates, and Posts.

9 Once that's done, click on the element.

10. You can choose from several naming types for each component. Here there are three ways of presenting the fence height.

10 Once that's done, click on "4 Foot".

11. On the "Color" component and others, you can choose between using the full word, an abbreviation or to exclude it entirely.

11 Click on "Abbreviated".

12. You can reorder the parts by selecting the top right icon and dragging it to a different location. Show me how to reorder parts

12 Upload

13. Here are the naming options for Gates.

13 Upload

14. Here are the two options for naming Posts. This will be applied to any post types; Gate, End, Corner, Line, Blank, etc.)

14 Click on "Next".

15. Now we will start adding Products. The Learn more link goes into greater details about Products.

15 After, click on "Configure Products".

16. Add Products to Product Categories. You can add your own or use pre-created ArcSite products. The Show me how link guides you through your options here.

16 Click on the element.

17. Click on any "Add Products" button to add products to that Product Category.

17 Click on "Add Products".

18. You can a Product in 1 of 2 ways. 1. Click on the "Add XXXX" button to enter in info on your own specific product. 2. Click on "Import from ArcSite Defaults" to choose from pre-created ones.

18 Click on "Add top rail".

19. If you choose to add your own product, you can enter in multiple attributes for it.
Required Attributes

There are several required ones; Name, Type, Visual, and Units.

NOTE: All required attributes have defaults pre-added for your convenience.

Non-required Attributes

Price, Cost, and SKU.

19 Now, click on the element.

20. Almost all products will be entered as Non Visual as the products themselves are rarely add to a diagram. Instead they will be part of an Assembly (Bundle) which is the object that will need a visual component.

20 Click on "Virtual".

21. Depending on the object, the Units field may have different units displayed.

Note that the Unit here is indicating how it will initially be captured on screen. You can also adjust that unit afterwards.

So for instance, you need to order a pipe in 10 ft lengths, this initial unit would be in Feet but the app would convert that to the number of 10 foot pipes for quantity and pricing purposes.

21 Once that's done, click on the element.

22. You have a good deal of flexibility when it comes to pricing in ArcSite. You can:

  1. Capture both a Retail Price and/or a Material Cost here

  2. Enter those in later, individually or in bulk

  3. Not enter in pricing at all

  4. Enter in pricing on just some of the individual products

22 After, click on the element.

23. Similar to pricing, you can optionally add a SKU or other unique product identifier, now or later. If done later, you can enter them in individually or in bulk.

23 Next up, click here.

24. from the right side of the screen, you can

  1. Copy an existing product to quickly make small changes

  2. Delete a Product

24 After, click here.

25. Once you have entered in the details, you can add another, add pre-created ArcSite products or Click the "Done with XXXX" button to move forward.

25 Click on "Add top rail".

26. If you Click on the "Import from ArcSite Defaults" link, you will be presented with a list of pre-created products. You can choose one to many or Click the "Import All" button to import all.

26 Afterwards, click here.

27. Continue to add Products to all Categories that match the products you use.

27 Click on "Add Products".

28. Next up, click on "Next, Product Groups".

28 Next up, click on "Next, Product Groups".

29. Now we will start creating Products Groups. The Learn more link goes into greater details about Product Groups. However an example might be that you offer 4 different dome caps for a particular fence.

By creating one Product Group, you can give the field person an option to add one post bundle but then have the option to pick from any of the Top types.

29 After that, click on "are groups of similar that you can use interchangeably withi...".

30. Add Products to Product Groups

Similar to our previous task, here you will Add similar Products together to create Product Groups. Unlike the previous step, not all Product Groups are necessary. You only create ones that are needed for your own environment. This Show me how link guides you through your options.

30 Next, click on "Select Products".

31. An Example: I am creating a "Galv Bottom Rail" Product Group and am presented with all of the Bottom Rail Products I previously added to the Bottom Rail Category. I can add 1 to many and even define a default selection.

31 Click here.

32. Once you have finished a Product Group definition, you can continue to add more.

32 Upload

33. The last step is define the Assemblies (Bundle) that combine multiple Products and/or Product Groups that will be used in the field to capture the fence system diagram. The Learn more link provides more detailed information about Assemblies.

33 Upload

34. Shown here are all of the Assemblies that have been created thus far. You will need to open each one and define members and quantities. The Show me how link walks you through the steps required to complete this process.

34 Upload

35. From the previous Assemblies list screen, I have clicked on the 4'H End Post assembly link. Shown below are the typical items found in this Assembly and a suggested quantity need for the Gates and Post OR the quantity needed for one Fence Section (ie- 10 ft for a chain link section)

35 Upload

36. I select the Concrete entry on the previous screen and am presented with whatever Products are relevant to choose from. In this case, there is only one Concrete Product I can add.

36 Upload

37. You can see that the Concrete options has now been defined and you have two additional options.

  1. The suggested quantity of 1 bag of Concrete is predefined. However you can change that as well. In the case where you use 1 1/2 bags of concrete per post, you can change the number to 1.5

  2. You can also choose if this Product is Required ( should always be added ) or if it is an Optional Product that you may or may not want to add.

37 Upload

38. The next option is suggesting that you use a Product Group. If you have created one previously, you can now select if from the list.

38 Upload

39. If instead you want to add a single product, you can choose from the Select other items link at the bottom of the screen.

39 Upload

40. You do not have to define all of the suggestions Assembly items. Any Items that you do not define will simply not be included in the final Assembly.

40 Upload

41. Once you have added your Assemblies, you can close down the Fence Builder and go on to any of the following tasks. View the Full Product Library

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