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Customizing Quantities & Output Units
Customizing Quantities & Output Units
Updated over a year ago

While capturing data in ArcSite is very simple, you will often want to convert the initially captured data (Lines, areas, shapes) to a different unit, amount, etc.

Create customized quantity and unit output by using; calculations, conversions, and/or grouping objects together.

Within ArcSite, there are a variety of ways and places where these can be done.

In This Article

Where and How to Apply Calculations and Conversions

Calculations or Conversions can be added in a number of ways. Those are:

A calculation or conversion added to an individual Product or Bundle

These can be applied at either a Product and/or Bundle level. Each has its use cases as is explained below. Note thet

Product Level Use Case

  1. You don't need to Bundle the Product. It will be always be used on its own

  2. The Product calculation will never change regardless of the Bundle it is added to

Bundle Level Use Case

If the product will be used in Bundles but the need is different for different Bundles, then a single calculation made at the Product level will not work. Instead apply the calculation at the individual bundle level.

As Part of a standard Product type

Several standard product types include a calculation to generate a final result. Those are:

  • Line /Arc (as Wall Surface) - You will draw a line to capture the length/width of a vertical surface and then be prompted to enter a height. With the width and height defined, ArcSite is able to determine the vertical surface's area. (Area = width * height)

  • Area (as Volume) - You will define a surface area and then be prompted to enter a depth. With the surface area and depth defined, ArcSite is able to determine the area's volume. (Volume = surface area * depth)

As an Product Price Part

Price Parts are a way to capture any pricing options within the base price or to capture all the component costs of a single product.

Note: Specific to this method, you must apply a cost to utilize Price Parts.

Applicable to calculations, there are the concepts of:

  1. Tiered Pricing - The price adjust as the quantity changes

  2. Minimum Pricing - A Product is charged at a flat minimum until it reaches a predetermined threshold

  3. Custom Quantities - The default unit is overridden by a predetermined unit

Common Calculations and Conversions Use Cases

Click on each title to see details.

Change the output unit to a different unit for display purposes.


Where there is no need to calculate a quantity change but where you do want to change the display unit used.


The product is being captured in the unit Each but you want the output to show in the output unit - Sections/ bars / pumps / etc.

Where to Add the Calculation

Product Level - Convert Quantity Option

Create a Quantity Converted Product

Use a Quantity Converted Product

Product Level - Price Part

Change the quantity unit shown by using the Price Part called Custom Quantity.

Note in this context, you must also apply a price.

Create a Custom Quantity Price Part Product

Use the Custom Quantity Price Part Product

Round numbers


  • Round up calculations will use the ceil() function

  • Round down calculation will use the floor() function


The nearest value or integer - round(INPUT)

The nearest half (.5) - round(INPUT * 2) / 2

The nearest quarter (.25) - round(INPUT * 4) / 4

The nearest tenth (.1) round(INPUT * 10) / 10

Where to add the calculation

Draw as a line/linear, then convert to a number of "sections/lengths/etc"


A linear based product allows you to draw a line to capture Feet, Inches, Meters or Millimeters. However you can also convert those initial captured measurements into whatever output units you want to use.


Turf - Convert from FT to Perimeter Board sections

Fence - Convert from FT to sections

Where to add the calculation

Product Level - Convert Quantity Option

In the following example, a length based product is converted into 8ft boards.

Using the length converted product

Draw a surface area/Sq Ft, then convert to a number of "Yards, Truckloads, etc."


An area based product allows you to draw an area to capture Sq Ft , Sq Inches, Sq Meters or Sq Millimeters. However you can also convert those initial captured measurements into whatever output units you want to use.


Convert Grass Sod from Square Feet into Square Yards

Where to add the calculation

Product Level - Convert Quantity Option

In the following example, a surface area (Sq Ft) based product is converted into number of Square Yards.

Use the converted to Sq Yds Area based product

Capture a Simple (common depth) Volume


Use a surface area Sq Ft capture combined with a common depth entry to come up with a volume of material.


  • Mulch

  • Fill Dirt

Where to Add the Calculation

As One of the Default Product Types

Area (as Volume) - You will define a surface area and then be prompted to enter a depth. With the surface area and depth defined, ArcSite is able to determine the area's volume. (Volume = surface area * depth)

Create an Area (as Volume) Product

Use an Area (as Volume) Product

Capture a Wall Area (or other vertical surface) from a top down view


One of ArcSite's default Product types is called Line /Arc (as Wall Surface). You will draw a line to capture the length/width of a vertical surface and then be prompted to enter a height. With the width and height defined, ArcSite is able to determine the vertical surface's area. (Area = width * height)

Where to add the calculation

A Default Product Type

Create an Line/Arc (As Wall Surface) Product

Use an Line/Arc (As Wall Surface) Product

Edit the Quantity Captured (Add or remove)


You can change the quantity of a captured unit in a couple of ways.

Elsewhere in this article, there is a section called Enter your own Price and/or Quantity by overriding the captured quantity where you can wholesale replace the drawing captured amount.

However you may want to keep the captured value and simply add or remove a number to address overage or to ensure you have extra material on site.


  • Account for poor quality lumber

  • Account for an unknown issue on site

Where to add the calculation

Product - Quantity Modifier option

Create a "Add or Remove Quantity" Product

Use a "Add or Remove Quantity" Product

Enter your own Price and/or Quantity by overriding the captured amount


A product can be automatically captured as part of the drawing process but you want to always just override that quantity by typing in your own input.


  • An area, such as a basement or attic, where it is hard to capture the exact accurate size. Here you want to draw and show an area in the diagram, but you will use another method to determine the size and just need the ability to override the size captured in the diagram

  • A drainage line that runs from the building to the city sewer. If you drew the line to scale, it would force the rest of the drawing to be too small. Here you can use a drainage line shape based product and simply type in the correct length.

  • You want to type in a specific price and here can use the quantity field to do so

Where to add the calculation

Product - Quantity Modifier option

Create a Product with Override Capability

Use a Product with Override Capability

Enter a Specific Price by Overriding the Captured Amount

Note - in the case above, the quantity shown on output would be the same as the price. You can choose one of two methods to manage this issue.

  1. You can set the output block to not show any product quantities

  2. You can set the individual product to not show it's quantities

Round up or down based on where the number is in an interval


Given a specific range, you can make a calculation that rounds up or down at a certain point in the range.

You can apply this calculation either at product or bundle level.

Use Case Examples

  • To account for partial objects.

  • For extra material for / building in waste during project installation.

  • For rounding down to account for material format/overage.

A Calculation Example

The 10s in the below example are the lengths you would choose 100M, etc. and the 5 is the midpoint number for that where things either round down or up.

(INPUT % 10) > 5? ceil(INPUT / 10) :floor(INPUT/ 10)

Advanced or Total

Charge a Minimum Price and a Price per Quantity (Each, Length, Area)


The need would be where you have a product for which you want to always charge a minimum and also a per the product quantity (Each, Length, Area).

Here you create a 2 Product Bundle consisting of:

Product 1 - This will be the standard product that charges by quantity. In the example video here, it is a Linear Product that charges $10 per LF.

Product 2 - This will be a non visual Product that uses the Price Part called Minimum Total Price and is set here to $2000.

The Bundle itself will contain the 2 products each with their quantities left at the default - 1.

When a drawing is made with Bundle with a 10 ft line, the result is shown below.

$2000 for the minimum charge and 10ft at $10 per for a total of $2100.

Applying Calculations in Bulk

To copy or apply quantity modifiers in bulk please see the video below.

Available Syntax List

The Basics

You may use any valid combination of arithmetic operators and numbers in the expression, such as:

3 * 2 + 5

10 / 4


And normally you would need to use the keyword INPUT to represent the source input quantity in the expression. So for example, you have a tape product which you draw lines in drawing, but you need to takeoff it as number of rolls. Then you can write the expression like this: (assuming it’s 25’ long per roll)

INPUT / 25

Use Functions

Additionally, ArcSite allows use of functions to support more advanced calculations. So in the example of the tape product above, if you want to round up the number of rolls, you can write this:

ceil(INPUT / 25)

So if the input length is 30’, it would end up with 2 rolls instead of 1.2 rolls.

Here’s the list of supported functions:




Calculate the absolute value of a number.


Round up the value.


Round down the value.

pow(x, y)

Calculates the power of x to y.


Round a value towards the nearest integer.


Calculate the square root of a value.

max(x, y)

Compute the maximum value of a list with values.

min(x, y)

Compute the minimum value of a list with values.


Calculate the sine of a value.


Calculate the cosine of a value.


Calculate the tangent of a value.

Use Variables

Sometimes you may need to collect certain data in app to complete the calculation. To do that, you’ll need to define variables. You can place the variable name in the expression just like a regular number, and it’ll be replaced by the actual value once you entered it in app. So for example you have a product of area and you’ve defined a variable named Depth, you can write the expression like this to calculate the volume:

INPUT * Depth

Conditional Expression

If in some cases you only need to apply some value if certain conditions are met, you may write conditional expressions like this:

INPUT * (SomeVariable > 5 ? SomeVariable : 0)

This means, if SomeVariable has a value that is greater than 5, multiply INPUT with SomeVariable as the modified quantity, otherwise use 0.

Common Fence Calculations and Conversions

Click on each title to see details.

Line Post (and related products) - Avoiding post overcount


What happens to the line post count at an end post, corner post, or terminal post?

As ArcSite will automatically calculate the number of Line posts, when you drop on a end/terminal or corner post, there is the potential for overcounting the total number of posts.

Using the following calculation will prevent this potential overcount.

Calculation to Use


  • Where Ceil() means round up what is in inside the ()'s

Where to Apply

Bundle - Advanced Rule

Chain Link Fabric - Convert LF to Rolls


Capture the fabric by drawing a line but convert it to number of rolls

Calculation to Use

50,1,round up


  • For a 50 ft roll use

  • Note the round up will round up even if there is 51 ft

Where to Apply

Product - Modify Total Quantity

Top Rail - 2 Types - Convert to section length or number of 21' rails

Type 1 - Convert to Section Length

Calculation to Use

10,.5,round up (for a 10' section)

Where to Apply

Bundle - Simple Rule

Type 2 - Convert to Number of 21' Rails

Calculation to Use

21,1,round up

Where to Apply

Bundle - Simple Rule

Nails or Screws - 2 Types - Convert to section length or to Box

Type 1 - Convert to Section Length

For use on a linear Bundle, you can use the simple type of quantity modifier to divide the total by the number per box.

Calculation to Use

300 (where 300 in a box)

Where to Apply

Product - Simple Rule

Type 2 - Convert to Number of Boxes

For use on a linear Bundle, you can use the simple type of quantity modifier to divide the total by the number per box.

Calculation to Use


Example above: Nails for pickets on a wood fence, let’s say 4 nails per picket and 18 pickets per 8 ft section.

Where to Apply

Bundle - Modify Total Quantity

Tongue and Groove Boards

Calculation to Use


For the example above, where for an 8 ft section, you need 15.

Where to Apply

Bundle - Advanced


Calculations to Use

Using an 8 ft section example


Where to Apply

Bundle - Advanced

Concrete per Post

Calculation to Use

For example, when you need 2 bags of concrete per Chain Link Line Post


Where to Apply

Bundle - Advanced

Number of Pickets/Boards per Section of fence

Calculation to Use

For example, when you need 17 pickets per 8' Wood fence section.

Note - If you set the Round result option to Round Up, it will round up each instance rather than the total LF.

An example:

  • Fence is created with 4 runs of 50Ft

  • Total LF = 200

  • If round were to be done at the total LF, the answer would be - 200/8 = 25* 17= 425

  • However since the rounding occurs on each 50 ft run the answer would be 50/8 = 6.25 = 119 per section * 4 sections = 476

Where to Apply

Bundle - Simple Rule

Tie Wire - 6 1/2 and 8 1/4

6 1/2"

Calculation to Use

As this is added to the Fence run bundle, you will use the Bundle Simple Rule option to define. Below example is 2 per LF

8 1/4"

Calculation to Use

As these are added to the Line Post but part of the Linear fence run bundle, you will use the Bundle Advance Method to define.


The example is for a 5'H Chain Link fence, it contains 2 parts

  • ceil(INPUT/10)-1 - This equation ensure no over count of posts. For more details on this see the "Line Post (and related products) - Avoiding post overcount" item above

  • *4 is the number of ties per post

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